About Praying, 2020
Ink, gold leaf, gold mud paint, gofun, natural mineral pigment, dye, suihi paint on Japanese paper
10.7 x 6.3 x 0.8 inches (27.3 x 16 x 2 cm) FROM THE ARTIST:
Now all human beings in the world are praying together. While we face unprecedented difficulties, we are stronger together when we pray together. I believe we will have a peaceful world after we overcome the current situation. Such were my thoughts while I painted a lotus flower that appears from mud and blooms beautifully. As an artist facing the fear of COVID-19, I intuitively understood the inevitability of art that emerges from praying and the importance of its development over centuries.In this difficult time, you may find yourself becoming more sympathetic and sensitive to things you didn’t understand in the past. In the midst of bearing the current situation, I hope to appreciate day-to-day life.

A Break in Clouds, 2020
Ink, gold leaf, gold mud paint, gofun, natural mineral pigment, dye, suihi paint on silk
10.7 x 7.5 x 0.8 inches (27.3 x 19 x 2 cm) FROM THE ARTIST:
In China, the color of celadon porcelain is also used to describe the color of “a break in clouds after rain.” This expression moved me to create an image of overcoming difficulties and carrying on into a bright future. The painting is made by overlapping that image and Kirin, an auspicious animal which brings good news. Kirins are known not to kill. Their horns and hooves are in shapes that don’t hurt other creatures. I hope the situation gets better and everyone will have peace of mind soon.

Amabie, 2020
Ink, gold leaf, gold mud paint, gofun, natural mineral pigment, dye, suihi paint on Japanese paper
10.7 x 7.5 x 0.8 inches (27.3 x 19 x 2 cm) FROM THE ARTIST:
I paint Amabie as an auspicious beast. While considered to be both a yokai and prophet, Amabie can be an auspicious sign. The painting depicts when it appears in the night shining from a dark ocean.I work with traditional painting materials such as washi paper, and pigments made of natural minerals including ultramarine and copper rust. They are all hand crafted by artisans. I appreciated culture and craftsmanship succeeded over years while I was painting this piece. We should protect the essentials, and also cherish the art and culture passed onto us.